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300 Subs Special - EJAK 20! Report Report


300 Subs Special - EJAK 20!

Created By MakeTheGOD
2,083 1
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Epic Jukes and Kills Part 20!

- i think this is the finale for this series, but will make something like it in the future, but with better clips and editing.

Many of the early episodes got copyright music on them so I've been busy replacing them all with some other songs... So i will definitely make a better series just like this one, just better :)

Thanks for the awesome support guys! I was able to get partnership and I'm so happy right now. 300 Subscribers is a big thing to me and I'm not going to stop making videos anytime soon ;)

If you haven't already Subscribed to my channel, please do it for more videos like this one!

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Music: WAV35HAPERS- Euphoric

And finally just thanks again for being awesome subs!

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MakeTheGod | February 26, 2013 2:18am
Thanks for the support!
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