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5 tank troll team Report Report


5 tank troll team

Created By Bankaiboi
7,049 3
So we went 5 tanks to troll and i went ap amu

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bankaiboi | March 26, 2012 8:49am
BaZ64 wrote:

looks fun!, who went were?

me and shen top ram and sej bot and mundo mid XD
BaZ64 | March 26, 2012 6:02am
looks fun!, who went were?
bowomar (1) | March 25, 2012 2:41pm
:D 5 tanks can be awefully enjoying. Me and my mates tried going 5 beef first to troll, we won with 38-8 kills/deaths. It doesn't always work out that well, but if you manage to lane well at the start and get beefy without getting them any kills. Your team turns unstoppable. Who do you focus if all your enemies are the ones you dont normally focus :P 5 beef has alot of possibilities especially against the unwitty. :)
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