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AP Shaco Gameplay Report Report


AP Shaco Gameplay

Created By WarriorMario
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WarriorMario (3) | April 1, 2012 2:50pm

btw I've made a ap shaco guide and in that guide there is an explaination of how I play AP shaco.
It`s not completely finished but the main info is there.

and maybe is the old AP shaco dead but my gameplay isn't affected by those Jitb nerfs.
and im sure someone else can play AP shaco better than me because my internet really is a handycap (300 ping)
Sariondil (6) | March 31, 2012 2:32pm
Sorry but I think AP Shaco is already dead if you really don't know how to play him.. Ofc everythin what i saw in this video is pretty normal for someone who knows how to play (i mean more then just "wow i am invisible after Q!"). As I saw u played it really nice and I wish to know more about your AP playstyle,cuz i think there should be more AP Shacos.. But anyway gj and nice dmg man...
ColdStyler | March 31, 2012 8:54am
Woow nice dmg
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