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Cho'Gath: Dem Dry Bones Report Report


Cho'Gath: Dem Dry Bones

Created By FreestyleKneepad
2,492 0
Pretty fun game with Cho'Gath. But then again, any game with Cho'Gath is a fun game, even when I totally get my *** beat against a double-ranged top lane. The bastards.

My excuse? I was feeling the spirit of giving.

Totally paid attention to what was important all game: me. You're welcome, loyal viewers.

Played with MarsBird (Olaf), Wompa (Ahri), Rosssman (Tristana) and AppleTarts (Soraka). We played another game after this one where I played Veigar and got RAPED mid vs a great Caitlyn, but when Caitlyn randomly decided to leave mid and never come back I got my burst up and we took the rest of the game. Sadly, I ran out of disk space (30 minutes of Fraps data takes up roughly 100 GB of space) so I had to delete it after spending ten minutes trying to play at 2 FPS.

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