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MOBAFire's final Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

Funny Experience by RAG Report Report


Funny Experience by RAG

Created By ReallyAnnoyingGamer
4,127 0
Hello everybody, my name is Vlad(imir) and recently I launched a gaming channel on youtube, called "Really Annoying Gamer", go check it out it's really neat.
Recently I stumbled upon League of Legends throughout a friend of mine, "Destiny4Ever" and I loved it, so I decided to record his gaming style and commentate as he goes along.
In no time at all I had an epiphany, and shortly decided to transform the videos into guides, to help those in need.

So I will, with your acceptance of course, post the link to my present and future videos hoping that you enjoy them and have tons of fun watching.

Match 1 Part 1:
Match 1 Part 2:

Match 2 Part 1:
Match 2 Part 2:
Match 2 Part 3:

More content each week.

I am taking a break for around 2 weeks or so, due to college failed exams. After I'm gunna do a LoL marathon! Cya till then

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide