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How to be a Lane Bully: Garen Video Guide Report Report


How to be a Lane Bully: Garen Video Guide

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Welcome to the Definitive Garen Video Guide. This guide is long, but highly detailed. It contains lots of in game footage with voice over commentary and analysis. I have included laning phase footage from 3 different games to give you a broader idea of how to consistently win with Garen.

It also gives an in depth description of Garen's kit, as well as justifications for the Runes and Mastery package.

Quick Reference Sheet:

Runes: Reds, Yellows, Blues and Quints - Flat Attack Damage (22 damage Total)

Masteries: 0-30-0; Everything except Evasion and Mercenary

Skill Order: Q,W,Q,E,Q,R,Q,E,Q,E,R,E,E,W,R,W,W,W

Starting Items: Boots of Speed, Health Potion x3
Core Item Build Order: Boots of Swiftness, Warmogs, Atmas, Sunfire
End Game Items: Frozen Mallet, Guardian Angel

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