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Nidalee - From Noob to Nyan Cat Report Report


Nidalee - From Noob to Nyan Cat

Created By MysticalZelda
2,944 2
I play a game with a champion named Nidalee. First it went really bad but after it went really good. Still, I am a really bad Nidalee

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MysticalZelda (28) | November 16, 2011 2:05am

haha they start it calling u a noob then they go wow haha nice vid

That mostly happens to me yeah, the start calling me a noob but when I save their lifes cause I play semi support they arent complaining xD
tombumbadill | November 7, 2011 10:36pm
haha they start it calling u a noob then they go wow haha nice vid
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