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Nunu Jungle Guide - Extremely Detailed Report Report


Nunu Jungle Guide - Extremely Detailed

Created By TheButtonMasherz - Gerry
4,557 0
Welcome to this Nunu Jungle Guide in which Gerry gives you a detailed, informative, and descriptive tutorial showing and explaining to you exactly what you need to do with real-time video examples.

AP/OFF-TANK/EARLY JUNGLE DPS HYBRID (Holy ****NUGGET that's a lot of slashes!)
How long did this guide take to make?
6 hours (I'm getting faster XD)

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Skill Point Order:

1 - Q
2 - E
3 - Q
4 - W
5 - E
6 - R
7 - E
8 - E
9 - W
10 - E
11 - R
12 - W
13 - W
14 - Q
15 - W
16 - R
17 - Q
18 - Q

Item sequence:

1- Doran's Ring
2- Boots of Speed, Health Potion, Ward
3- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
4- Blasting Wand
5- Negatron cloak
6- Abyssal Scepter
7- Catalyst the Protector
8- Negatron Cloak
9- Banshee's Veil
10- Amplifying Tome
11- Blasting Wand
12- Void Staff
13- Chain Vest
14- Guardian Angel
15- Needlessly Large Rod or Blasting Wand
16- Rabadon's Deathcap

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