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The most epic Fiddlesticks gameplay ever Report Report


The most epic Fiddlesticks gameplay ever

Created By zippofcy
2,377 2
With the best Fiddle and worst Veigar you have ever seen.
If you have seen a better video about Fiddle (not an edited one from several matches) plz link it below.

If any GOOD team wants me to join em for the EUW Community Cup, email me at

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zippofcy | February 28, 2013 10:43am
No big challenge? I consider the two feeders in my team two big challenges :D
rr404 | February 28, 2013 10:19am
I recon you must have enjoyed this game but TBH you had it served on a plate: reckless opponents, attacking turret when 10% life+no wards+a fidle jungle.
It is without mentioning the suicidal robot pulling you to him thinking he can outpower your drain or maybe silence you on drain and still win a 10%life vs 75%.

SO i'd say you played very correctly but there was no big challenge here.
Still, GJ
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