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League of Legends Ferocity

What is Ferocity?

Ferocity is a specific kind of resource, unique to Rengar. It is actively generated whenever Rengar lands an ability, or enters combat by leaping via Unseen Predator. Rengar can have up to 4 stacks of Ferocity, allowing Rengar to use one of his empowered abilities upon reaching this maximum. Rengar's resource bar is divided into 5 bars that light up as he gathers Ferocity. While Rengar has between 1 and 3 Ferocity, the bars are colored white. Upon reaching 5 Ferocity, the bars are colored bright orange.

Upon reaching his 4 stacks, Rengar can choose which of his three standard abilities he wants empowered as his next attack. Every empowered attack has a different utility.

The possibilities are:

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