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League of Legends Chemtech Drake


Chemtech Drake is a neutral monster on Summoner's Rift. Chemtech Drake gains 0−200% bonus attack speed (depending on missing health).

Each Chemtech Drake killed gives a stack of the Chemtech Drake buff. Granting +6 / 12 / 18 / 24% increased damage (depending on stacks gained from slaying the Chemtech Drake) against enemies with 340−1020 greater current health than the buff holder (depending on target's level).

If the rift is dominated by the Chemtech, slaying 4 elemental drakes grants the Chemtech Dragon Soul.
Level-dependent Statistics
Gold: 25
Level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15+
Experience 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310 330
Health Values; Click to see

Other level values that aren't shown are always the same as its previous level.
Info from LoLWiki
CS Count: 4
Attack Damage: 50
Attack Speed: 0.5
Movement Speed: 330
Range: 500
Armor: 21
Magic Resistance: 30

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