Well, I have been told this several times here on Mobafire that I am bronze so do not listen to me. Thing is I am higher ranking and best out of my team. I had an old account (lost the login) back in season 2 so I made this one. I no longer play solo que ranked because of all the idiots. I am a top/mid lane having to play support because no one wants to play support. In draft pick, I am placed against Gold and Diamond players, friends with several of them now.

Yes, I play Coop Vs. AI games. You know why? I am training my friends who would not last in PvP. This is so they can enjoy the game and not Bronze V PvP. This is a courtesy I wish more people extended. Not every player is about PvP, Ranked, or competition.

Custom Games are when I train with my friends for laning. 1v1 or 2v2 to practice zoning and avoiding ganks. This is actually very useful.

League of Legends is a game. Please treat it this way anywhere including ranked. It is meant to be fun. However, when people who are not as skilled as other player are flayed or criticized for their weakness we are no longer welcoming players.

Just my thoughts,
