Recently I've been interested in joining a professional LoL team. It all started when my mate Dougly asked me in-game to sign up for a small team he was getting together. He created the team on an Australian gaming site called CyberGamer. The site has 3 League of Legends ladders and we are playing on the 5v5 ladder.

Anyway, after winning our first match I started researching the top 10 teams on the ladder. The team that instantly drew my eye was MiNDFREAK.RAZER, I mean, here was a team that was sponsored by RAZER, AMD, ENERMAX & iPGN. Their team members were all crazy good players and they had won 13 games lost 3, sitting at second on the ladder.

Further down the ladder two other teams caught my eye, Sequential Gaming and Vortex Gaming (Vortex Gaming lost their sponsor today and their name is now in limbo xD).

Being the ballsy guy that I am, I applied for all three teams.
MiNDFREAK- Did not hear from.
Sequential- Already had a full team lineup for the WCG in Korea
Vortex Gaming- Needed a full time support!

All of a sudden I was going somewhere, here was this top 10 Australian LoL team and they needed a role I could play with my eyes closed. The Vortex Gaming team are very nice people and I've enjoyed a few conversations with a couple of their members so far.

My problem arises now in that MiNDFREAK just got back to me, literally two hours ago I was sent a message from their team captain;


Hey we may be interested, how old are you mate? can you lan / fly interstate and possibly overseas?

I was flabbergasted, they're asking me about interstate?? OVERSEAS?? I've never left Australia guys and here they were, offering me the chance of a lifetime.

My response;


Hey thanks for the reply elvte, when I applied for this team I also applied for two others and have been accepted into Vortex Gaming.
Hopefully we can keep in touch though I'd love to chat to you in-game :)

To answer your question though, I'm 18 and can lan+fly interstate, I do not, however, have a passport.

I figured they'd say "Ok, thanks for the application, best of luck!"

Instead I received;


Hey mate,

I'd really like to trial you, I believe MiNDFREAK would be a good opportunity for you as the management team is great and our team is great. Passport can get worked out ect I'll add you in game and we can talk more.

(sorry for typing like a spastic, bit tired and cbf =P)

So I talked to CoenA, Vortex Gaming's team captain and he basically told me "No pressure, I do believe we are a stronger team then MiNDFREAK though".

So I've agreed to be trialed by MiNDFREAK. You can view my response below;


Alright elvte I agree to be trialed, I will be on all day Friday and Sunday (I have work Saturday).

I do have some questions though;

What role are you looking for?
Will I be a sub?
Who consists of the management team?

So wish me luck guys and hopefully I'll go Pro one day!