So yesterday we had our first real practice match with me in it. I was ADC with Scribblee supporting me. We lane swapped with top to let Thmetal practice 2v1 lanes. I was actually pretty surprised it went well. He was playing Shen who has great sustain and can taunt under turret if pushed in. Their top laner was Xin Zhao who also had great sustain with the W passive. I didn't perform so well laning phase because I was too focused on killing Xin instead of farming and taking the turret. After two deaths from turret diving I decided to just get their turret before their bot got ours. I have to admit their bot lane could've got turret first if Caitlyn wasn't focusing on her perfect CS (She out CSed me by like 20). Immediately after taking down top turret we recalled and headed bot to save the turret and swap back the lanes with Shen. After their bot lane left we took the bot turret followed up by their blue buff and dragon. I kept time of dragon and baron spawn times, which helped us secure and prepare for each one. Every teamfight went perfect for us, usually ending in 5 for 1 trade off. I slowly became fed off of assists because Grim0ires decided he wasn't hosting a kill charity that game. Haha It came to a point where I could kite 3v1s with Vayne so that was good enough for me. We eventually won with very good vision, timing, teamwork, and teamfights.