So I've been taking part in the Tribunal lately. I actually find that reading what other players have reported helps reduce my anxiety about playing with toxic teammates. Not sure why that is, but analyzing that is not what this particular post is about.

Something I've noticed that is kind of sad, is some of the people being reported are actually giving other players good suggestions. The problem is they so often just can't seem to stop themselves from throwing insults into the mix; which basically nullifies most anyone actually paying attention to such suggestions.

When something worthwhile is followed up with: "idiot", "moron" ,or other even more inflammatory words well it ceases to be worthwhile to most observers. In fact I think a lot of people would then become defensive and even be more inclined to act the opposite of his/her advice.

If only they could stop before the insult comes out, they might actually teach a few willing people more about the game. Now I totally get that would probably be rare, but it seems far site better than being nasty and being reported.

Eh just a thought.