Hey everyone,

I'm AusGameRager1990 a.k.a WogSausage AUS. I'm fairly new to LoL, have only been playing for a few months. Currently level 20 and play normal 5v5's and 3v3's. My main is Garen using a 'Spin to Crit' build thanks to Palthios' Garren Guide, definitely check it out and +1 vote ;).

My favourite skins are; Rugged Garen, Urf Riding Corki (save Urf!), Dark Crystal Ryze, and a few which I am yet to get such as; Woad Ashe, Pirate Fiddlesticks, and Mafia Graves, Miss Fortune and Twitch. Also, the Commando team; Garen, Lux, Galio, Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao FTW! Skins = Skill.

I also love playing Corki, Volibear as an offtank 'atmog's' build, Ryze, and most recently Zilean (<3 Time Bomb). Feel free to add me and play some games :D.