BattleBrad that is.

I suppose you're reading this asking yourself, 'Who?'.
I will grace you with an answer.

'I am you.'

Very philosophical eh?
No, not really.
I guess I'll just stop with the riddles and explain.

I, like the rest of you, play League of Legends.
If you don't play 'LoL' then I am somewhat confused as to what exactly you are doing on this website, but, regardless, feel free to stay and read as I will make sure to post off-topic blog posts.

So I just created an account on Mobafire with the intent of sharing my experience with the community.

Some of you may disagree with my decisions, some of you may dislike them and some of you may simply hate them. The point is that everything I share with you is shared with the intent of assisting you.

It is important to recognise that everyone is different, hence everyone plays differently. Just because one build works for 90% of players doesn't mean it is the best.

Each of my guides aims to explain that champion in depth and the reasons for each choice I make.

The point of all of this is to help you develop as a gamer and become better.

So, in conclusion, I am Brad.

And I am here to help.