What the hell is up with the servers at LoL??
It has been two days sience this 1.61 patch came out and all the servers crashed out and having no luck signing on. All my friends also having same problems with the game. No fun at all So I am starting to comlain about it.

Now to be fair they did have several servers up for a bit yesterday evening. But the wait time to get on any of them was approxamatly an hour.
I did see several of the new art and most was very impressive. I did notice that several of the older retired skins also had been reworked and am hopeful that we will see them brought out for some sort of sale or weekend special. I was not very fond of the new Teemo, Jax and Amumu art though. The new work and cover art for Panthion, Twisted Fate, Caitlyin, and Mundo very cool though. I liked the new features they have on the mini-map in game. They changed the icons for junglers added skulls where friendlys died and left the annoying Ping in(but seriously you sould be able to mute certain people who overping) They also added a new Panda Teemo and I guess new molten xerith (tho I did not see the xerith).

Would you pls Hurry and fix my addiction Riot!! I just want to play!