Hello everyone,

The name is BaxtyB and I am a new LoL player. The idea of this blog is to help me document my progress with the game and also take some of you on the journey with me.

I have been LoL now for just over a month (I started just after Worlds) and I am loving it so far... hence why I am here.

What role do I play?

I focusing on Top Lane just now. Though I have played Mid and dabbled in the other three roles.

Who are you maining?

I am maining Garen but I also play Mordekaiser, Kayle and Poppy. There are some other characters in the works but for now these are my main 4.

What is the aim?

Well I have a few:

1. To reach Gold Level in ranked. This may not seem like much of an aim but I am new to this and also new to MOBA's in general so slow steps.

2. Reach at least Mastery Level 5 with the 4 characters I mentioned above.

3. To continue my improvement and find some consistency. I normally score anywhere from a C- to a B at the moment in PvP but I want to start pushing for A soon.

So where do I sit on the Mastery table?

Garen- Level 3 (B)
Mordekaiser- Level 2 (B-)
Poppy- Level 1 (B-)
Kayle- Level 1 (D-)

That's all for now and I hope to post updates on my progress and share my journey with you all.

Many thanks for reading
