Elo hell is referred to as the zone in which the summoners elo is 0-1200. After passing 1200 you get games where there are less "baddies" and less "trolls/afkers".
In order to get out of elo hell you need to play either duo que with someone of like elo, but that someone also is skilled(unlike others at your elo), or play 3 positions, Mid, Jungle, or AD carry.

is a great position to play considering you generally become a nuke mid to late game. I have personally carried many games 4v5 in which i was on the 4 side, just because my teamates would protect me in team fights while i proceeded to nuke them down. Another great position to play is.

The jungler is able to control the lane directly and indirectly. A direct way to control the lane, is to gank. Via ganking you waste the enemies summoner spells and often secure kills. The indirect way of controlling lanes is to fake a babysit on a certain lane, say mid, And force the enemy champion to play it safe, hug the tower and miss out on xp.
The riskiest lane to play, but the one with the most end game reward is the
AD carry

It's risky because of your support. They feed/Steal your cs/ dont care about you and try to ninja kills, etc etc. I recommend if your going to do AD bot you duo que with a friend who plays a good support. Also when duo queing i recommend using a toip(talk-over-Ip) (skype or vent). This allows for you to communicate with your partner and often will lead to better coordination than typing.