These are some words you might encounter in league and this is what they mean:

Balls - syndra's ultimate
Rat - teemo/kennen
Pikachu - kennen
Yu-gi-oh cards - twisted fate's card pick
Hug monster - Warwick (because of ultimate)
Fox - ahri
The moo cow - alistar
Deathcrank - blitzcrank + alistar
CUPCAKES - caitlyn's traps
op - darius
hp +100 - dr mundo with ulti
hah gayyyyyyyyy - ezreal or taric
my little pony - hecarim
JUST CLICK R - karthus
permastun - leona
RAINBOWZ - lux ultimate
longest 3seconds of my life - fiddle****'s fear
hue hue hue - mordekaiser
we Q they QQ - nasus
tdc (true damage carry) - olaf/irelia/vayne
only a man for 5seconds - tryndamere
poopy - poppy
okay..... - rammus
mufasa - rengar
simba - rengar
never chase a singed - singed's poison trail
truely outrageous - taric's taunt
shroomzzzz - AP teemo's ultimate
hook city - nautilus/thresh/blitzcrank
hardest skillshots ever - ryze
spin 2 win - garen/tryndamere/wukong/rammus

I hope these pointers were useful to you ;D