Ok guys, here we go again.
Been a while since my last post,but hey.
So what i wanna talk about today is that i start to feel like i got worse.
The last few days(i played a lot of League recently),ive been having mostly bad games,often with very bad scores as well.I think i might know the reason.Ive started moving away from the usual stuff i play and ive tried out new stuff,or ive played something i didnt play in ages,like Nasus,Volibear and Vladimir,coz i got kinda bored playing the same stuff over and over again.
That gave me the impression that either i got worse in my League break(like 5-6 weeks where i played VERY few games if any)or i was just out of practice with those champs i havent played in a while.At some point today,i was fed up with losing and got out the stuff that has always worked for me(for example support Alistar and mid lane Mordekaiser).And see,i got rolling.But i guess thats not the proper way if you want to learn something new.I try to stick to the new stuff i recently got(Shyvana for example,as well as Talon,Renekton and Lux)so i get to know them better and get better with them,but its sometimes really demotivating if theres a day where EVERYTHING seems to fail.I think everyone knows these days.You pick something thats not one of your best,you lose your lane(due to a stupid mistake early on,something really overpowered or simply getting outplayed),go back to something youre used to and bang,you get camped 24/7 by the enemy jungler.Can be really demotivating if you fail with something new to you,but you just think next game will be better and you fail again.
I hope i'll get better soon.
Peace out guys,see ya!