Tier 1 - Vayne, Morgana, Tryndamere, Nidalee, Karthus, Nocturne, Akali, Gangplank, Kennen, Kassadin, Graves, Cassiopeia, Ahri, Rammus, Olaf, Skarner, Xerath, Annie
Tier 2 - Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Nasus, Renekton, Rumble, Fizz, Sion, Pantheon, Wukong, Riven, Cho'Gath, Udyr, Garen, Irelia, Shaco, Sivir, Ezreal, Ryze, Gragas, LeBlanc, Soraka, Brand
Tier 3 - Orianna, Miss Fortune, Lux, Kog'Maw, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Shyvana, Corki, Swain, Yorick, Talon, Anivia, Singed, Jarvan IV, Trundle, Malzahar, Zilean, Poppy, Ashe, Warwick, Teemo, Viktor, Amumu, Galio, Janna, Taric, Alistar, Sona, Blitzcrank, Maokai, Urgot
Tier 4 - Fiddlesticks, Vladimir, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Jax, Xin Zhao, Master Yi, Katarina, Twitch, Kayle, Shen, Volibear, Dr. Mundo, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Nunu, Leona, Karma, Evelynn

Tier 1 - These champions are overpowered in solo queue. You want to get good at them and then use them to hyper-drive your ELO. These are the champions that you can use to carry yourself higher up in ELO if your allies have the slimmest idea of what they are doing. Not always the best picks for every single game however, as A) every champion can be counter-picked if you do your research, and B) sometimes its more valuable to pick a champion lower in the list to more properly fill a niche in the champion select. Generally these are safe picks for champions however, until RIOT nerfs them like they should.

Tier 2 - These champions just below Tier 1, because they are lacking that overppoweredness that would make them Tier 1. These champions are great too though, and definite staples. Especially when the champions in Tier 1 are banned.

Tier 3 - These champions are just below Tier 2, because they are lacking that special something that would jump them up to Tier 2. Still, these are champions that can raise your ELO consistently, and they aren't bad choices either, and they have their special niches in certain cases, and can counter champions above them.

Tier 4 - These champions are below the other three tiers because they are NOT champions that can raise one's ELO consistently. Usually because of a poor early game, but it can be because of a poor middle or late game as well. While they do have special niches in their roles, and can counter champions above them, they are not really priority picks for those that want to secure a win.

If you have any suggestions for how I could make this Tier List more accurate, let me know on my blog!

Rising Champions

Nidalee: Rose in Tier 1 - Had her too low. Playable AD or AP, overpowered both ways. The only thing stronger than an overpowered champion is an overpowered champion with two ways to be overpowered!

Karthus: Rose in Tier 1 - Had him too low. Requiem is the best ultimate in the game for Solo Queue. Its so easy to get fed as him if you are competent with that ultimate. So easy.

Nocturne: Rose in Tier 1 - Had him too low. New jungle may suck completely and REALLY should be reverted in my honest opinion, but Nocturne STILL does the job somehow, someway.

Cassiopeia: Rose in Tier 1 - Had her too low. Noxious Blast into 3-4 Twin Fang is absurd damage, which I hadn't realized until recently when it just bit me. You know?

Ahri: Rose from Tier 3 to Tier 1 - I derped. Numbers aren't everything, and despite her absurdly low ratios she's now one of my favorite mages and wins a lot of her lanes. Her passive is much stronger than I gave it credit for with her Orb of Deception, her Fox-Fire does absurd DPS, her Charm is the best non-ultimate CC in the game, and her Spirit Rush is a triple flash in 2 seconds flat. I could go on and on and on, quite biasedly, about how much I love this foxy lady now, but I think my point is made. If she had actual ratios I'd have to make a tier 0 for her. Learn her, gain ELO.

Soraka: Rose from Tier 3 to Tier 2 - Play her AP, she's ridiculously strong. Her supporting skills are also making a comeback (pair her with Sivir or Graves or something like that and watch things go boom) but her AP is what makes her Tier 2. That Starcall HURTS. IT HURTS!

Shyvana: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Funny thing I'm noticing, its not the champion. She's not being built right. When built correctly, she's scary.

Corki: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Just because nobody plays him doesn't mean he isn't a good champion.

Swain: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - " Just because nobody plays him doesn't mean he isn't a good champion.

Jarvan IV Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - " Just because nobody plays him doesn't mean he isn't a good champion.

Poppy: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - " Just because nobody plays her doesn't mean she isn't a good champion.

Blitzcrank: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Very versatile champion that works with a lot of build and is game-changing with each build. You know why.

Warwick: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Lanewick is actually much stronger than I gave credit for. His new jungle sucks, he's still tier 4 in that regard.

Teemo: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Whoops, had him too low. Fixed.

Maokai: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Has game-changing ganks from the new jungle, and doesn't need a lot of farm. Falls off later, but still...those ganks are game-changing.

Urgot: Rose from Tier 4 to Tier 3 - Had him a little too low. Still is the definition of falling off late game.

Vladimir: Rose in Tier 4 - Play him with Heal and Ignite and he can actually lane again! Still inferior.

Jax: Rose in Tier 4 - Due to popular demand! Still sucks.

Falling Champions

Olaf: Fell in Tier 1 - Had him too high. Still wins most of his lanes and carries games. Like a real viking.

Rammus: Fell in Tier 1 - Too high. Says they're "ok" with this.

Lee Sin: Fell from Tier 1 to Tier 2 - The new jungle ruined his greatest strength, invasion. Failing to realize this, I put him too high. Still good, just needs a team behind him now. New jungle sucks.

Garen: Fell from Tier 1 to Tier 2 - If he's against a melee bruiser in top lane, he still owns. However, with ranged mages becoming more and more popular, his laning is becoming harder and harder. Despite his haste and anti-slow, he can also still be kited, which really reduces his efficiency in team-fights. Because he no longer auto-wins his lane 95% of the time in solo queue, he's now Tier 2.

Ryze: Fell from Tier 1 to Tier 2 - Had him way too high. Still not sure how I derped like that.

Tristana: Fell from Tier 2 to Tier 3 - Had her too high. Just...clunky.

New Champion

Viktor: Placed into Tier 3 - Underwhelming. Unlike Ahri, this time I'm sure of it. His ranges are WAY too short and he's clunky to play to boot. His passive, Evolving Technology, sucks. Augment: Power does nothing compared to the other two. Augment: Death is good for damage, and Augment: Gravity is good for CC, making his Graviton Field actually useful. The range on it is just too short to allow it to be used for its intended purpose, and the stun doesn't occur as often as you might think. He's very average. Needs tweaks.