Welcome, Summoner, to the Jungle.

In Summoner's Rift, the jungle is the so-called 'fourth lane'. By running a jungle, a team can have 4 Champions achieving maximum farm for gold, level and early items. No one will question the needs of a jungler in a team comp.

So you, as me, wanted to try that role, huh? By now you should have noticed that one cannot simply start jungling. You will need a rune set and enough mastery points to make it viable. By level 20 one can start jungling/learning what a jungler have to know.

Now we have a problem: At level 20, and inexperienced jungler will be destroyed in any game, due to a failure on map awareness, wrong ganks and some other mistakes that a new player have no ways to know how to avoid. Here is the foutain of the rage against all the junglers.
If you pulled some nice ganks early, the things might go smooth. However if you failed your early ganks, you will most likely always fall behind in level/gold/items, which will make you less effective in your next ganks and that will snowball against. You want to be successful, and for that, you want to communicate with your team.

A jungler is a person that keeps an eye on every lane, knows what is happening in everywhere on the map and knows where and when to be. Jungling requires game experience.

In summary, to be an effective jungler, you need to:
  • Quickly clean your fields;
  • Ward the map AND the enemy jungle;
  • Cover mid/top lane if your fellow Champion needs to recall;
  • Give away buffs to your carriers;
  • Clean enemy wards allover the map;
  • Steal and control enemy buffs;
  • Counter-jungle and harrass the enemy jungler;
  • Call the position of the enemy jungler when you spot it;
  • Call mias (yes, over the other 3 lanes);
  • Control Dragon;
  • Control Baron, and last but not least;
  • Gank (which includes a whole bunch of factors like where/when/why/how).

Hard huh? Much is required from those whom much is given. We, junglers, are blessed with some kind of Mystical Power that people who excels in other lanes won't have. A power that grows stronger into the wildness. Even if that fierce wildness is your team raging against you. To jungle requires, firstly, courage, then, wisdom.

All that said, if you got a bad experience jungling, I recommend you to not give up. The game community lacks some powerful junglers, and one of those might maybe be you. Keep trying and improving, even if your team raged, even if someone told you to never jungle again.

One day for the hunter, one day for the prey. Your day might just come up if you struggle enough to be recognized.