I noticed a lot of my friends have been jumping in to League of Legends and asking for small tips. I decided to write 10 tips for you guys. First thing first ::

I'm not ELO 1737 like Phreak or anything. You can take my advices or not. I'm not sure if I should call this some sort of guide. Everyone has different playing style and you have the right to ignore all my words. These are the things I learned through experience or someone yelling at me. This is about Summoner's Rift 5v5. This is what I normally think about. You can always disagree with me.

1.) "You can't make Cake with just Sugar." When I first started playing, everyone played carry; that included Ash, Akali, Miss. Fortune etc. I lost a lot. LoL is about team cooperation and there's different roles. Everyone wants to be the best, get all the kills, and brag about how much they brought four other people into victory. You really can not win a normal game with only carries. Plus in my personal opinion carries can be tiring or boring after a while.

-Tank::One with the most armor, magic resist, and health to soak up the damage; also the one who initiates.

-Support:: Helps the team, the most assists

-Carry:: There's two kinds ; Ability Power and Attack Damage--The one who deals the most damage

-Jungler:: Early game hunters in the jungle

-Assassins:: The champians that can nuke the other team's carries and get the heck out. They can also gank other lanes if needed.

Feel free to try the Free champians that rotates every week. There will be a champian you will fall in love with like I did with Sona and Lux.

2.) "Jungle 101" Jungling didn't even come in to the factor until I turned level 30. Junglers are champians that hunt monsters (on your side normally) jungle. I always prefer to have a jungler on our team. It is possible to win matches without them but there's more pros with junglers. First, you create fear to the other team--Second, you get ganks when you need help--Thirdly, Map Awardness is on your side. Jungle Control is a must. Global gold to help your team is a wonderful reward.

3.)"Warding" MAP AWARNESS WINS MATCHES. Don't yell at your jungler, support, tank to buy wards. If you don't want to die, buy your own sight wards. 75 gold can save your life, your team mates' lives, and gain control of yours/theirs jungle. It wins team battles easy. Whenever you go back to your base, buy your items then buy wards if you have leftover.

4.) "LoL is for Five" Communication is key for this game. That's why there's pings and team chats. If you want something, ask/tell. Don't expect the team to read your mind. Call MIAs because it's the polite thing to do ( though you have a mini map, check often yourself). After 30 minutes into the game, it'll all be team fights. If you lose a team battle, learn what happened, and tell your team who to focus -- make a plan. Try not to yell at someone for buying (Insert-Item), ask, then give a point or two.

5.) "Keep Calm and Carry On." It's easy to get angry and point fingers. It's easy to tell the other team how bad the solo queue is. Do not do that. The more you yell and shout blames, the more your team is going to do badly and sometimes they will do that on PURPOSE. I promise it is better to give advices, keep calm, tell them what you want. And raging/ teasing at the other team? That's a big no-no. Smack-talking will only motivate them. There has been more than hundreds of games where my team made AMAZING comebacks just to rub it in their face. All in all, its better to think what you could have done in the game and improve from there. People make stupid mistakes that includes the other team. Wait for them to do something stupid and catch them off guard.

6.) "Never Give Up" I have been in games where the other team had 50 kills ahead of us. Guess what? It's a Tower game. Kills are nice for items but that doesn't matter if the Nexus blows up in their faces. The better team cooperation will win. I almost never surrender because the game isn't over until my own nexus explodes. I have won games when someone even left 4v5. Comebacks can happen. I say wait until 30 minutes that when I (hopefully )assume your team mates has at least two core items, have a couple team fights. You can literally lose ALL your inhibitors and turrets, get an ACE, push only one lane and win the game. A forewarning, this isn't going to happen within 30 minutes. You can win games no matter what situation; however it will probably take an hour long game with couple minutes.

7.) "Pas De Deux" This is a team with roles. Protect your carries with your life. I do mean that. If they're going to die, sacrifice your own. You won't be worth as much gold as much as a Legendary Caityn. That being said; feed your carries. If you know for certain they can take the kill, just let them have it. A 9/2/1 Taric is a not bad score nor a 0/3/20 Caityn, but the end result will be a defeat. Overall fed team is also great. There have been numerous times where I manage to get through to the enemy base because of my team tearing them off of me. You can even see it in my screen shots, my team has the better assist because we all help each other. If someone have the confident to take someone down, commit to it.

8.) "Creep Scores Matter" The first 25 minutes of the game, farm farm farm and keep going. Unless you are a support, you will need money and that comes through minions. The team with the better minion score normally wins.

9) "It's a Game." There will be times where you'll faced against a better team, a better player, and just a rotten day on your hands. You win some, you lose some. That's what's so great though. If it was easy, you would get easily bored. Remember if you're playing, it is just a game. Have fun playing with your friend, talking to them with your goofy headsets. Don't be so serious.

10.) "Grow." I turned over a new leaf. It's a lot of effort to be angry at my team mate for doing a small mistake that can cost you an hour long game. I find myself getting more heated up and silently grumbling under my breath. It's extremely easy to put the blame on someone else like I said before. It is a better feeling just to say 'it's my fault--I'm sorry--I did something bad.'. Find out what you can do to improve your gameplay. In every game unless I'm "trolling" ( the games where I am messing around), I do my best and that's what I best to my team. It's a good advice to follow in real life too. A lot of players are hot-headed and you can easily tell; they're not the type of people that should be playing a 'team game' anyways. Remember guys, Synergy For The Win.