C4 eSports has taken the past two Mobafire Community Cups. We keep dominating these tournaments because I know some really good players. I wish I could take more credit for the victories. My biggest contributions to the wins are how I handle picks and bans. I research each tough matchup and I figure out the best way to 'win' each game. For example, in the most recent finals we vs'd a team that had several one trick ponies. I noticed that their jungler really only plays Elise and Vi as we were blue side we first picked Elise and banned Vi. Their mid isn't a Yasuo or Kassadin player so I left them up and took away his comfort pick which was Syndra. Their ADC had 150 Lucian games and next highest was 8 games on Cait or something, so we banned Lucian.

Rosters shift each month based on player availability. Last month our roster was:

Azingy - Jungle
Me - Top
Yahoodotcom - Mid
Lattman - ADC
Rockblood - Support

This month Azingy wanted to just solo que, Yahoo got invited to and interviewed at the LCS, and Lattman had to scrim with his team. So our roster shifted some:

Just Jayce - Jungle
Aniratak - Mid
Me - Top
Vman7 - ADC
Rockblood - Support

I was going to jungle but JJ said he found top to be 'boring' so I went top and he jungled. It worked out; our biggest competition got knocked out in the semis by the team we rolled in the finals. Our semis were our closest match but I think we were ahead in gold all game. The team were were worried about had Fwii and AKA the Slaveofgods. It turns out Fwii was just a sub. I've had to lane vs Fwii a few times and its never gone well. He is my top lane kryptonite. Nobody makes me look like a bigger scrub top than Fwii does.

Last month I think I played Shyvana nearly every game, but this month I branched out and spammed some Renekton too. I figured I would just not feed and let the challenger kids carry the games. Aniratak is a god, at one point in a game he was playing Veigar and the enemy Pantheon ulted behind us in mid lane to setup an engage. Ani placed his Ring down in the circle in such a way that when Pantheon dropped in he landed directly on the edge of the Ring cc'ing him and setting up an easy kill.

I am not ready to play competitively yet, my skills need some work and I need a new computer. I think I'll just stick to these small tournaments as they are a really fun way to spend a day. Hopefully next month I get to jungle. I need to find a boss top laner though if I want to jungle, maybe I'll see if Knives Millions or Hashinshin are free.

A question I often get asked is how I meet all these top tier players. I met most of them in solo que and Ranked 5's. Before I was D1 I would just add people I liked/admired. Most accept your frequest and if you're gracious and funny they'll usually keep you around. When I was still gold and I was transitioning to jungle I added Azingy and Porpoisepops and both accepted my request and gave me tons of advice on jungling. 'Pros' are usually super approachable and happy to meet a fan or answer questions.

Just some rambles about the past two tournaments.

<3 - Lasty

P.s. I'm not featuring this blog, I just felt like writing something about our back to back wins doesn't really help anyone...so I wont feature it.