Hey guys, I'm going to talk about Troll Storms today.

Recently, a few of my Mobafire buddies have had their guides brought down greatly. Although I knew troll storms existed, I never knew exactly how powerful it affected them.

I'll start off with Taneren. Met him recently on Mobafire, and he gave me great feedback on my Xerath guide that definitely helped me improve. His Caitlyn guide was at 91%! And the thing about that was, that he ACTUALLY DESERVES IT. His guide was fantastic, and it blew my mind off. Anyone can tell it was obviously placed a lot of effort into it, and it just seems to upset me that yesterday it was on the top of the "Popular Last 30 Days" section, and today it's near the bottom of it. His guide probably received about 6 troll down voters. They left no feedback, and because it exceeded the 20 comment required to vote mark, they down-voted away. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? THIS HAS LEFT ME VERY FRUSTRATED. MY GUIDE IS NOW AT THE TOP OF THE POPULAR LAST 30 DAYS SECTION WHEN I KNOW THAT IT PROBABLY DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THERE. His guide was much better than mines, put much more effort onto it, and I can tell he deserved it more than me. He also wanted it more then me, and now I feel the kind of shame onto the people here who have done this.

Next up I want to talk about Albableat. Another friend I met here recently on Mobafire, his LeBlanc guide was also hit with a Troll Storm, but not nearly as hard. Still want to point out to the facts that have lead to me writing this. I am very disappointed to know that their guides have been dropped due to people down-voting them without leaving feedback or criticism. I NO LONGER HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR PEOPLE OUT THERE TO CONTINUE DOING THIS.

Lastly, I just want to say I'm not ANGRY, but I'm frustrated. I know that there's nothing we can do out there to stop these Troll Storms, and to be honest, I may have made the situation worst. I know what they want out there, and they're getting it. So we want to say "Just ignore them, they aren't a problem." but they kind of are. We can't really deal with this situation, and I know my friends must be quite dissapointed that their guides have dropped greatly.

To conclude this, my Xerath guide is now in a place where I think it probably shouldn't be. There were better guides then mine, so I do not think I deserve this position. I am not even happy that I'm up here (maybe a bit) but I really think that the comment required to vote should be permanent, not just the first 20. I myself am also scared that when I hit my 20th vote, the Troll Storm shall hit me, and I will guess, probably the hardest.

This week's topic: What are your thoughts to these Troll Storms? Opinions, suggestions, and critque?