I recently got autofilled into jungle and have decided to play a little bit of the role, just taking a break from playing Ashe, Kai'sa and Sivir. I love playing AP/tank Sejuani and it is most effective in the jungle. My most recent game of this shows how playing around a winning lane can win you the game.

By no means am I a great jungler, i don't play the role that often, i often make mistakes in terms of camp decision, yet you don't need to have that knowledge if you can influence the map. The game was an absolute stomp on our side. I played around the bot lane, which was a Draven and Blitzcrank. It was a high kill ability lane, and it worked out. By the end of the game at 24 minutes the Draven had 14 kills.

If you can recognise where you want to play around as a jungler, you can affect the entire map in a better way. You can vertical jungle on the side of the map you want to play around, force plays opposite to the enemy jungler, or even just farm until you become relevant (if the champion you are playing requires it).

In my opinion, Sejuani with AP is one of the most fun things to do. All your abilities do a fair amount of damage, and you are still fairly tanky when using a Rod of Ages and Iceborn Gauntlet build. I might release a guide on AP sejuani soon, but that isnt the point of this. In a game, you have to analyse your enemy jungler also. I knew that my enemy jungler was a Shaco and was likely to try and counter jungle me, to take one of my buffs then leave and farm his own jungle. So I just started bot side (he was likely to take my red instead of my blue), and i just vertically jungled on the bot side and tried to gank bot as often as possible. The entire team stomped the early game and we managed to win the game.

But what did i learn from that game overall?
Overall, that game was a very good game for the entirety of my team as a whole. I did make some mistakes in terms of my rotational play but overall the team played well. What this teaches me is that playing around winning lanes allows them to snowball more and is a good strategy to win the game.

Thank you for reading!