From watching lots of EU lcs and lots of international games I have been wondering why people don't play certain things. There are lots of things that are still fairly meta, yet are thrown out the window. Here is who I think should see more play in pro play.

Heimerdinger Mid: Heimerdinger was seen in the bot lane this season in lcs, yet after ADCs came back into relevance he stopped seeing play. Yet he can still be played mid as a counter to someone like Irelia or someone who cant clear waves well early game. Heimerdinger is the best counter for those types of champions with his turrets and he can also delete squishies if the correct combo is made. He is basically Zoe without a lack of waveclear early game and the ability to be super slippery and hard to catch with his turrets. He can also be a flex pick in the draft if needs be.

Nautilus Supp: Nautilus is an incredible engage support. He only really saw play as a counter as Thresh in Worlds yet he is a great replacement for when Alistar gets banned. He provides great engage, great cc and is a tank. Unlike Leona, he also doesn't become useless when behind and he can also actually protect his ADC to an extent. He has great synergy with Kai'sa, Tristana and most meta ADCs at the current moment. Most teams will never think of banning him so he is a great pocket pick or even regular pick to take up a ban from the other teams and open up another champion elsewhere.

Dr Mundo Top: I don't know why Mundo stopped getting played. He is the best tank in the game and can just walk up to squishies and slap them to death. Soaz played him a fair amount yet Dr Mundo hasn't seen much play this season. He is by far the best tank in the game in my opinion and counters many other tanks and carries in the top lane. He can also be flexed to the jungle if needs be and does well there also. Also he is in possession of the second best skin in the game (after Championship Ashe) with Corporate Mundo.

Malphite Top: Malphite is an incredible champion. His abilities are perfect to be an annoying tank and just grabbing the smallest amount of AP means you do tons of damage. In lcs I would love to see an Iceborn Gauntlet, Rod Of Ages Malphite to be a tank and damage dealer with great teamfight and solo lane potential. He hasn't seen much play for a while now and should see more if someone picks him up and people see what he is capable of - tanking lots of damage while killing squishies on the backline.

Renekton Top: I love playing and seeing Renekton. But he doesn't see much play as people who aren't skilled enough to play him well play him. If someone who can play him well decides to play him against a carry top like a Fiora, Irelia or Camille, then he will thrive after you win lane and just make plays around the map. Teams wont expect this pocket pick even though Renekton is fairly meta and he is a force to be reckoned with.

Zilean Mid/Supp: Finally we have Zilean. As an ADC main I hate Zileans. They are very annoying and have an ultimate to have a free Guardian's Angel. His only counter is a good assassin player and as seen in EU only Perkz and Caps can do that mid lane (maybe others in solo queue) and Broxah and Kold in the jungle (again maybe others in solo queue). He is a great flex pick to counter mid lane control mages and to be an annoyance bot lane to counter mage supports. He is of great use at all stages in the game and is very helpful to have on a team. I know that Kassing , the legend himself of Zilean, hovers the pocket pick a lot, yet he hardly ever locks it in and he doest play it to the best of its ability, sorry if you are reading this Kassing. Zilean is a great pocket pick for any support player who can play control mages like Hylissang's sweet Morgana.

Thank you for reading. I hope I see some of these picks in the new LEC and other professional play around the world. Ill end this with EUW > NA and please check out some of my ADC guides if you are an ADC main.