Hey, I'm Chris, but my IGN is ChrissyDoc and it is for most things, I am gonna start a personal blog about League of Legends, this will contain another person's opinion, if you cannot deal with that then I suggest you leave. I play on the EU West server if any of you would like to play with me. I did make an Evelynn build a while back and got it to #3 for a short while, but ever since I heard about the re-works coming, I thought, why bother, it wont be much use for very long. I will post here is I have an incredibly awesome game like this

Or a not so awesome game like this

There were reasons behind each one but I won't go in to too much detail, let's just say, having a premade team can be all the difference. Anyway, I am thinking of doing a Tier list too for all the lower, 1200 elo people like me as well, because Which champions dominate a game, really depends on what elo you sit at and how experienced your team is. I do have a more fun blog over at tumblr, if anyone want's a link, they can inbox me, I am looking forward to starting this. Might get started on that tier list because I don't want to head into solo queue >.>

I set the category as Teir list because that will always be definite and be updated regularly, but in between updates I will post matches which show why I think certain champions go in certain places. Happy League-ing ^_^