First off I would like to say this post and all future posts are entirely my opinion and if you disagree with it, that's cool, leave a comment saying why you disagree, if you are gonna be an *** about it then there's no point in you reading any further. This is my opinion on where the champions stand at the moment.

Tier 1 = These champions are a fantastic pick for their position, they will usually dominate their lane unless they have been counter picked, and are a great addition to any team

Tier 2 = These are still good picks, they are very strong and can do well if your team works well together, however they can be hard countered, or it is possible to lose your lane if your team doesn't work well. If you are great at playing a champion from this tier, it is a good as a tier 1 pick.

Tier 3 = These picks are ok, but the other tiers generally have better picks and you could do a lot better with them unless you happen to be very good with a specific champion.

Tier 4 = I wouldn't recommend Picking these champions because there are much better choices, the only time I would recommend picking a champion from this tier is if you happen to be a great player of that champion, because if you can play one of these champions well, it is better than a tier 1 pick if you can't play them well.

Tier List 18/05/12

Tier 1 - Annie Blitzcrank Fizz Jax Kog'Maw Lee Sin Shaco Shen Singed Teemo Tryndamere Udyr Warwick Yorick Vayne Veigar Volibear

Tier 2 - Ahri Akali Amumu Ashe Cassiopeia Fiddlesticks Fizz Garen Graves Irelia Janna LeBlanc Kassadin
Leona Lulu Maokai Mordekaiser Nasus Nunu Pantheon Poppy Rammus Riven Rumble Ryze
Shyvana Sion Skarner Soraka Swain Taric Twisted Fate Urgot Dr Mundo

Tier 3 - Alistar Brand Cho'Gath Corki Evelynn Ezreal Galio Gangplank Gragas Heimerdinger
Jarvan IV Karthus Katarina Kayle Kennen Lux Malphite Malzahar Miss Fortune Morgana Nautilus
Nidalee Nocturne Olaf Renekton Sejuani Sivir Sona Tristana Trundle Viktor Ziggs Xin Zhao

Tier 4 - Anivia Caitlyn Fiora Hecarim Karma Master Yi Orianna Talon Vladimir Xerath
Zilean Evelynn

Again, this is just my opinion, if you think otherwise, leave a comment, maybe you can change my mind. I will handle all comments nicely, even if you are being aggressive. If I have missed a Champion out or made a mistake, please let me know. Thanks for reading.