Its hard being a level-headed gamer sometimes. I'm new to posting builds but I have already run into the hard hitting and quite frankly hazing atmosphere of the typical "Gamer." It's a little discouraging but I remind myself that this is a hobby, a hobby I enjoy and I can't/won't let the over zealous attitude of sad, most likely overweight jerks bring this hobby to an unenjoyable state. I don't claim to have to worlds best builds, in fact, of x-number of hundreds of thousands to millions of builds out there, there's a LOT of us who won't have the best builds. But it's fun to throw out ideas and see who can take them and move forward with them.
I reflect on the negative attitudes of some of these guys posting on my builds/guides and shake my head, because quite frankly, it looks like they are scared. Scared to fight to make something work that most people can't stand to think about.
For Example, my support Ezreal: maybe my biggest problem is that I call him "support" when really that's not what he is, the build turns him more into a kind of artillary. but Either way, scared people are scared people, they are fearful of the idea that someone could make it work, so they down vote, because downvoting means no one see's it, and if no one see's it, then no one can work on it, no one can make it worth something more than I have made it, and then they are never wrong.
but no matter, I do this in my free time, and I enjoy it. If you are looking at my builds/guides, know that I will still work on them, I will still try to make them better, and if you really wanna leave a comment, try the build first, then let me know what you think ;P