Trying to find a way to improve as a player in League of Legends is quite controversial; Many people have gone to youtube videos, guides, streams, etc. to find ways to improve their gameplay, but there is one way that can improve gameplay in all spectrums of play that is quite underrated - attitude.

Attitude, generally, is known to be the main reason people go 'on tilt' when playing over long sessions of ranked play, or after a loss. The reason for this is that attitude can create artificial stress for a person, which then can produce hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that can affect mental state by putting a person in a 'fight or flight' mode. The main issue is that, by going in a 'fight or flight' mode, your mind is limited in its thinking pattern, which can cause in-game issues:

1) Being reckless (being aggressive in lane and getting ganked)
2) not warding (denying vision for objectives and ganks)
3) not using intelligent, mechanical play

One of the best ways to counteract stress is to be an optimist because this can increase confidence and thought processes. In fact, optimists tend to have less heart problems and a stronger immune system than other people primarily because they undergo less stress. Now, this can correspond to league of Legends as a way to improve - be an optimist. How many times, in ranked or normal queues, does a negative player ruin his own game? Quite a lot because that player tends to stop focusing on their play, and more on arguing and blaming others; not only that, but negativity can spread in a match by causing others to argue back. However, what if each player came into each game confident where they believe, under any circumstance, they can beat their lane opponent? In my case, whenever I go into a match believing I can beat every single member on the enemy team, I tend to do so; I tend to do smart things like bait the enemy into throwing skill shots at me when I act like I am going to last hit a minion just to back step at the last second. Small things like this can give some major benefits in lane by making the opponent waste mana, lower their confidence, and ,essentially, make you faker. Not only will this help improve you as a player, but you will find yourself winning more, which won't provoke your negative attitude.

Lets look at the competitive scene for some inspiration of this, starting with North America. Cloud 9, arguably the best American - and potentially Western - Team in season 3-4, has been on a slump in season 5. Many problems stem from Hai, the mid laner, because he lacks confidence, which lowers his mechanical skill, shot calling, and overall game sense; looking at the c9 vs Gravity in Week 1 Day 2, Hai went 0/8/7 against an average standing team due to his lack of shot calling and game presence; one of the main issues Hai points out is his lack of confidence.

- Another example is CLG, which has been the best they've been in a long time. What is different about CLG now than before? Well, the team environment is better; in an off-stage interview, Doublelift, Link, and Aphromoo each attribute their success to their new found top and jungler whom provide strength in their roles, but primarily in their attitude. The team environment allows them to succeed with cohesion in plays, and in individual play - Aphromoo's morgana was quite astounding, which really showed his strengths when he finally was placed in a non-hostile environment. Link, specifically, said that their in-house environment was a lot better, which affects stress and play overall.

- The TSM vs CLG match was only won by TSM because they, from Dyrus' view, focused on how they could win out the game when behind instead of focusing on their losses in-game. This was, especially, shown when TSM gave up dragons without contest because they were smart enough to let their losses go when they would lose more if they tried to stop CLG.

Lets look at Korea, known as the home of the best League of Legends teams in the world. The GE Tigers, a new team with inexperienced players, has been dominating the Korean scene without a single loss thus far even against SKT T1, the team with the player regarded as the best in the world, Faker; The GE Tigers, individually, are not the best in Korea, but they are the most cohesive group. What can be attributed to their success? Watching the games of the LCK, I can see that each players' tournament cam of the GE Tigers is always calm, which shows that they are not being to emotional, and stressful, about the in-game mishaps that may happen. In the SKT vs GE Tigers game, SKT is noticeably tense with Faker looking as if he was snapping at some of the players when he was killed; this is the main issue with teams, they get emotional and aggressive, while losing focus to win-out a game.

The main issue in any part of the game, if it be in solo play to the highest competitive play, is attitude. Knowing when to control stress, be an optimist, and to let things go is the best way to improve and win games. So, in the end, whenever you play a game in League of Legends, focus on these points and always have a positive attitude.