Apparently I can't submit an empty blog post. That's just so depressing...

Heyooo MobaFire. Honestly, every time I post on here I feel like I'm talking to myself o.O Anywho, I just got out of a game where I went 14/1/4 with Warwick. Amazing, I know. Well. Um. In my opinion <.< But yeah, unfortunately, it was a big... fat... Defeat. </3

I'm not quite sure why we lost so badly. I was playing with my two other friends and they both sort of fed but pfshhh I was a fed Warwick, please. In the end I had 14/19 of our team's kills, and ended up doing better than everyone on both teams :D Woohooooo... Buuuut yeaaaah... Ever had any of those games? Why did you lose? Who were you playing? Final score?

~Any answers posted here can and will be used against you in court. By me. I'm that evil.~

Say the world was about to be hit by a flood, earthquake, huge fire, and tornado (in no particular order). Which champ would you choose to be with you during this time? ^^ Happy gaming!