It's been a while since I have posted here. I have been "busy", not playing (I wish) but had an accident at work (apparently inner muscle fibers were torn while hauling some wooden "boxes"), had my arms so immobilized that I needed a person to help me out every time because I couldn't move without feeling like a shark feasting upon my shoulders.

But enough talk about that, this post is about gaming! League of Legends again stole my soul, literally. Since I saw Thresh I wanted to play it, and since I already had a mid filler (Ryze) I wanted to make Thresh my main support champ. I surpassed expectations. Support was a role I wanted to play for a while, but never understood how to do it in LoL. Thankfuly, this guide and thanks for the big understanding of my friends in EUW, now I can perform my support role with great synergy.

Now, problem is, my friends knows that when I hook dat weak AP or that ADC that runs like the evil, I jump in, I shove him backwards and cage him, then if my friends are still a bit far, I launch the lamp so that our ADC can jump into the cage and stomp on the enemy or enemies that happens to be trapped. When I use that technique with strangers... most of them doesn't know how to use the lamp to jump away be it a wall, or to escape from certain doom. It is quite discouraging seeing them dyeing on me like that, but it is not my fault they don't know how to use my lamp.

Another problem, there's also people that doesn't know how a support works... People, support roles doesn't kill minions, they need their companion to do that job. Thanks to my range, I keep the enemy champs at bay while in bottom so the companion can kill minions or toss a rock against the weakened champion (if ranged ADC for example). I can't do that and get to use my Pickpocket because minions are constantly in the way, hitting me and preventing me to hook someone so when I hit 6, 1 or both enemies can die.

So, being a support is a matter of patience. I need minions to die so I can collect souls and boost up my armor and AP, but without my companion doing that, I'm like a stunted octopus (?) Getting auras and what not becomes even harder if I can't hit a champion now and then and before I get the Philosopher's Stone(how can I link to the items with the blog?)

Overall I like my support role, and using Thresh (he's quite the cutie and I love the Shadow Isles theme). When faced against a premade bottom, then I switch roles to top (solo or in company), then is when I can use my main tank Nautilus :)
This guide helped me out to know the ropes of solo top and using this jewel of champion. One of the things I like from this guy is that I can use the same runes as my Ryze page and sink enemies be it in normal game or Dominion (I love that type of game). In Twisted Treeline if I manage to get Black Torch after my Kage's Pick, I can even score an Ace without sweating too much. The thing is since little people seems to use Nautilus, most of the people that faces him thinks he's AD... how bad they slide when my AP-charged attacks reaches beyond their AR setup, oh yeah. And even if they rush MR in late game, my MPEN is so high it doesn't matter too much. The thing is getting the upper hand early game, depriving them from farm and harvesting levels and gold to finish the build. And,Dredge Line saved me from more than an ambush (in Twisted Treeline it can hook at the void and still pull you in!).

As of lately I found out that Nautilus and Thresh can be BBFs :P Both are... "disembodied" humans, one possessed and one undead, both have themed nautical skins (I bought both) and if you hook Nautilus with Thresh's Q while in his Deep Terror skin, you can listen to a custom quote from him :D

I'm about to reach 26 and hope I meet less troll teams that plays like chickens with their heads cut off. I'm now practicing Jungle with Nocturne to fill that role but I need a new runepage and runes to prepare for that... I'm also thinking about creating a guide for Nautilus in Twisted Treeline and Dominion, because, getting 1st with more than 1600 points in Victory and Deafeat games, I suppose that deserves some explanation (also, why I can't see any guides for Dominion or Twisted Treeline?).

Long post is long, next time I will explain why I chose certain runes and masteries over the ones I see at my favorite guides. It is about a playstyle sequence.