After some time spent trying to masterize Ryze, I think I got the ropes of how a League of Legends player must behave when everyone is picking different sets of champions. Since Ryze is my first main, I stumbled against people calling me for because I autolock once I click on Ryze :(

One should not auto-lock before everyone else is finished picking their champions. Problem is, I can only do well with Ryze so, instead of hogging MID, I did Top Ryze, Bottom Ryze, Gank Ryze, Coffee Maker Ryze, Innibitor Disruption Ryze, Rage-Against-the-Tower Ryze, and sent foes direct to their demise (in 8 times out of 10). Another problem I found with Ryze is his lack of "legs". I'm forced to pick Flash instead of Ghost due to PEER PRESSURE, and when I fail a Flash due mostly because I get way too nervous when I'm in tight frays, the QQ from my team mates starts.

When I try to confront a champion I don't know because is the first time I see it, I don't have time to read about them and I get to slap their faces directly as field testing. If I survive, nice, if I don't, I need to find a way around to get to their HEALTH-BARS. This way I overcame my weakness against Lux, Evelyne (at least when she's not stealthing) and other random champions like Jax for example (when they forget to stun me directly after the jump). I found crazy to try to defend when Annie and Yi are on MID... Yi, I just can't get around his damned sword dancing thing, even if I manage to land my Rune Prison (I see the cooldown), Yi gets to slash and cut me like sashimi, then force me to buy MR armor... But there is no way to counter him, even less when he's using like 3 Blood Thirsters, 2 Phantom Dancers and such, and runs like a kitchen roach, then heals himself and even if I took 99% of this health, he heals back to 100% next to my inhibitor... It is insane. But I suppose the worst isn't the part about being sliced but the QQ of my team mates that doesn't understand that I can't kill nor damage him at all, so, what to do, to give the enemy a free kill or run to the Nexus and wait for the rest of the people to respawn? Some people doesn't get when to cool down...

In essence, my initiate road to become a rookie or novice or something in between the lines gets very sad results when people yell at me, even when I'm the one with the most kills and less deaths. Ryze is quite the glasscannon, and sacrificing his power for armor just because someone on my team yells me to do so, yields bad results, mostly when I can't get my M.Pen up on time to cope with the lack of AP.

What else? Ah yes, I bought Nautilus today. I wanted to try out something melee for a change from "hogging mid with Ryze", but I haven't tested him yet. I readed some nice guide for Nautilus here, and I'm quite glad he's a tank with AP-titude. Still is my first time trying to do a melee without abandoning my AP learning curve, before jumping into practicing AD champions. I just hope I don't get yelled at just because he's damn slow at walking (Ryze isn't a roadrunner either anyway).

Overall, still liking this game, but some people must chill a little when they don't get what they want when they want it, like, winning a game, or a kill that can possibly turn out to be your doom before you land the last hit. In the end, Ryze isn't PANTHEON, but everyone I met thinks I can fly over the map and kill everything just because my bursts are insane, when I can't do that, and alone I'm focused for ganks if I'm not careful. I yield my best when everyone is busy hitting their tarjets and not yelling at me. In the end I can only play like 3 or 4 times a day, twice or thrice in a week, but these people play it like serious business, and I can't resonate with people that isn't ready to cope with players that wants to enjoy the game without them barking down your ears. It kills all the fun. Still, I manage to kill more than them, so yeah, if we lose it will not be because I can't kill my foes :P