Kinda busy trying to mix formal work with playing the only game I play in my computer, namely League of Legends. Since I'm not level 30 yet, my "clan" is doing ranked and until now they have a winning streak of 6/8 which isn't too bad as they aren't real pros but still can manage to pull out combos when they are all together in voice chat :P

As of now, I'm still saving for AD runes and a new runepage... but, couldn't resist to get me Karma before her reworking and I would like to have my first limited skin :V Also, I started to play her just out of curiosity, and she isn't quite as bad as they told me. It is true she only has 1 damaging ability that doubles as a healing when chained with her R, but I found myself rather comfortable with shielding, healing and slowing down enemies, or speeding up allies (though one of my friends, the one that tried her once and utterly loathes her, isn't used to go all out when he's with me - I can support but I can't make miracles in a 2 vs 3 fight, less when they skip him and focus all the hits on me...)

I'm quite interested in seeing how Karma will improve with her rework, perhaps she will get some interesting CC skills like Soraka has, but, they can't make "another Soraka", so, I hope the new Karma will be unique in playstyle, and keep being a good support too :D

Also, talking a bit more about the game, we had some very bad normals. If we picked champions that we don't use too much, the opposite team gets a rooster full of counters, or having the bad luck of getting into a normal with enemy players with over 1300+ wins, when from our group, the one that has more wins of all us only have like 180 and so :( Quite the bad luck.

I have been tempted to create a guide of some champion, but then, I don't know how much skill I need to get to be able to write one (even when I already know how to play my favorite champions like Thresh or Nautilus). Nah, I think I will wait until I get some good elo to prove that I can make guides :>

Happy gamming