Hello I'm new to League of Legends. I have avoided this game like for ages because of my bad experiences playing dota-ish games pre-warcraftIII (odd custom maps for Starcraft and what not) and after trying said mod of WarcraftIII 2 times, then quitted because the community there was horribly awful (and I didn't like the mod at all anyway).

After sometime I received news of League of Legends was in the works and that they wanted beta testers, I signed for it but studies made me to forget I have signed for testing it at all, and after the years, when I saw that the game was fully mature and that the community improved in contrast to those dota-zealots, I said "well, it better be good" and started playing League of Legends a little ago after peer pressure of my lv30 friends asked me to join their fun while sitting idle at the clan for an online survival game I will not mention here.

And then my eyes opened... I haven't had so much fun since I started playing (insert awesome ANet game), and since I left from playing online competitive games when I started college, this one was quite refreshing, not horribly fast-paced like certain FPS games, but enough to quench my thirst for pixel blood and to indulge my love for strategy and teamwork.

Then, I'm newb, a newb that started playing with friends, and who asked me to chose a main champion because my focus was spreading too thin, and it is 2~3 weeks now playing with all available champs but not doing well enough with any of them, until now...

RYZE. I bought him because I started spending my IPs on cheap champs to try everything, until my dear high level friend warned me to save the IPs for runes for when I reach level 30. Last champ I bought was Ryze, and after realizing I was not doing it good with Kayle (3 out of 6), I setted up with Ryze, and sirs, I'm starting to love him. I suppose I will be forever stuck to pick mage-like roles on every RPG I set foot, but hey, if Ryze isn't disappointing me, I shall ride the killing-spree wave with him. For the first time I received praise from unknown players about how well I have done it at X or Y matchs and Honorable Player points. It was like "Oh, at last I'm doing something right!", and yes, the honey of victory is sweet.

I want to master Ryze until I get enough to try Swain, another champion that got my attention after being chased by him, then smacked him down. I'm pleased to say that I'm glad I joined this community because, it was here from where I got clues about how to use Ryze, and hell they are working too good!

And that's it, as for introduction of myself into this game, that I'm starting to like the more I play it, and as a fellow Iberian Spaniard that is looking for some little love and good matches in the future.

Peace out from EU West.