Okay... I've had issues recently with morale. I think part of it is due to teams not being able to realize when it is just a lost cause. I'm often the guy in a game that says, "Don't worry guys, we got this!," or "No, we can still turn this around guys" but there is also a time in a game to where there is just no coming back. The fact that these games are only Normals makes them even more pointless and frustrating.

Now, I've had a game where both teams got aced and we were literally one hit left on our nexus and a lucky minion spawn kept us from losing right then and there. I then rallied the team and we came back for the win! Things like that ARE possible, but it requires a somewhat even matchup and decent morale. If every time someone steps outside of your base they die, it is not an even matchup and there isn't much you can do. If you are pushed to the Inhib turrets in every lane and haven't gotten down a single turret on the other team then guess what? You're screwed. Your team obviously doesn't have the pushing power to be able to win the game.

Now, you have two options:

1. Surrender
2. Don't surrender

Now, since we are talking about morale, which of these two options is better off for the psyche?

1. Surrender
  • Game ends
  • No more stressing about a situation that is out of your control
  • You can choose to play another game which can be considered a fresh start
  • Your morale might still be high enough for it to not mess with your next game

2. Don't Surrender
  • Game continues
  • More deaths occur
  • Possible ******* opposing team that drags out game just to raise their K/D/A even further
  • Literally nothing you or anyone else on your team can do to turn this around
  • Get frustrated with with team mates and possibly even your duo partner because they don't understand that, "Never give up, Never Surrender" doesn't mean that you are going to win.
  • Possible chance to even steal baron, and then still get completely demolished in the impending team fight proving even further that there was NOTHING you could have done!
  • "**** this game and **** you guys"
  • Next game: "I'm going mid, **** you guys, deal with it."

The point I'm trying to make is that at some point, not surrendering can be more detrimental to your teammates overall mood, skill and ability to care than the extremely unlikely win is worth. Sure, 2 of their team might randomly DC, but you can't bank on that.

Now don't get me wrong, I will continue to push No every time that a troll puts up a surrender vote, but if you are consistently seeing a 3/2 failed vote on your team, you are likely just hurting those you are playing with and making them not want to play with you again.

Again, this only pertains to Normals because when I play Ranked I do NOT surrender because of the direct response it has on my elo. Normals however? Move on, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Keep your friends in a good mood and ENJOY playing the game! Don't be a **** and force them to continue getting their morale crushed into the ground and then wonder why they rage at you for asking if they want to play with you again.