Ok well its 12:44am on Feb. 18, 2012. Waiting on one of my accounts to be open up again. Had some thoughts about Veigar i figured id put down. Veigar is so far my favorite champ to play by far. I recently finished a few games where I started posting up decent numbers. I have yet to try them in Normal matches (just playing bots lately). In my highest scoring match, I ended the game with around 627AP, my "Q" could do over 600dmg, my "W" could do around 750dmg, and my Ultimate "R" could do well over 1200dmg, sometimes around 1400. Im not entirely sure if those are the correct numbers, but they are pretty damn close. Veigar is a late game champ and I did pretty good farming and making money for the build. Was thinking about posting a guide for that build. If anyone reads this let me know what you think.

Well I'm out for now, account just opened up.
For the Horde lol and Stick to the Code
