Something To Think About

I've been playing League for a while, and just recently hit level 30. I started playing ranked and was told by friends who were already ranked, that ranked game play was gonna be hard. When I first started playing ranked, I was expecting it to be hard, of course, but what caught me off-guard was that it was harder than I ever expected. So until I earn the IP I need to buy my runes, I decided to play normal games. Now most of you are thinking, "What does this have to do with anything?"(Probably not but humor me). While I've been playing my normal games (and a few bot games), I've noticed that some people have been different types of play styles with their champions. Some I've never seen played. I just recently learned that Shaco can jungle. Another game I saw someone try Nidalee top lane. And to my surprise it actually worked. I'm usually one to stick to a lane a champion actually is fit to go to, but I've done lane swaps as well if you will, and made it work. I've done a Wukong bottom lane before, and to my entire team's surprise it worked. But yet those people who want to play competitively don't want to swap a champions lane and try something a little different. But that's a bit off topic. So as I was saying, people who try something different strategies like to have fun and try something different. And as my Wukong Bot lane has shown me, things can work out differently than you would expect. Everyone says that sending a melee champion bottom lane against an ADC is just going to get poked to death, and they might be right. But those people who say that are usually the ones who didn't try something different. (Getting off topic again, sorry about that.) Some strategies work, and some don't, so try something until it works, and not just works, but works well. So some of the champions that can work the way you wouldn't expect do work. Try something different for a change. Who knows, maybe it will work.

Hey guys, this is only my second blog post, and I'm still kind of new to this whole blog thing. So if you guys would be so kind as to leave some feedback to help me ensure that I'm not posting boring content. All the help would be highly appreciated.