Hi guys, I feel that this is a recurring theme that has been brought up to me time and time again, and there are always people who want to know how I feel about the subject since I don't always agree with what is 'Commonly accepted" yet are a very successful and strong player using my own preferred methods.

So the question is, if Duff could have it, "Duff's way," every single game, and get to decide what his team comp looked like, what would his ideal team compositions be?

This is both a hard and a simple question to answer, so please, consider this blog an eternal work in progress. I will continue to update this as I go.

Over time I will add more champions and more explanations as to why these champions do what they do well, and why I -personally prefer- these champs to other champs.


Olaf (God tier solo top right now. He is 100% over powered and will be until nerfs.)

Cho'Gath (Great sustain, lots of rune combinations work well on Cho'Gath. Most likely Cho will not be nerfed, so if you want a non-gimmicky main, Cho is a good competitive level pick. He is versatile with gear, but my prefered method is very tanky, and/or on hit items.)

Sion (Great sustain and can be build pure AP or offtanky AD. I prefer offtank AD but you never see anybody building him this way. He wins most lanes handily.)

Gragas (Sustain and MASSIVE damage output. Wins lots of lanes, and can even lane against OPlaf. Great pick.)

Irelia (Mind blowing sustain and true damage to boot. In a lot of ways she works like Olaf in lane. Just level W and auto attack minions to heal when you take damage. DON'T BE SCARED TO PUSH THE LANE. As long as you're full HP and your opponent is not, my opinion is you should always be pushing top lane anyway.)


(Burst casters)

Brand (Damage, damage, damage, damage. Get it? He's hard to gank if you learn how to properply use his fireball as a safety net.)


(Sustained DPS casters)

Ryze (Tanky and really great damage output. One of my favorites~



Vayne (Under rated early game by a large part of the community due to improper prioritization of skills. Silver Bolts should be maxed first, followed by tumble, finally maxing Condemn. Intelligently aggressive play style required. Vayne is the best squishy killer in the game, she can 2-3 shot supports at most phases of the game, and does good damage to all targets including tanks)

Kog Maw (Arguably the best AD carry in my opinion, due to his range and the fact that he does not fall off mid game like Caitlyn.

Graves (I have never played him but he always does well and has high damage potential :P)

Corki (I'm a fan, he was previously my main before the nerfs to his burst, and I still do well with him. Good escapes, good damage, good champ.)

Caitlyn (Crushes early/lane phase, then falls off mid game and comes back STRONG end game when she finishes her gear. While she's not my favorite, she is very good.)


Janna (The highest skill cap support, and the least gear reliant. For those points, she is both the hardest and the best support. She is also flexible in that she is functional both aggressively and defensively. Her only drawback is that not having a heal can sometimes force the purchase of a Wriggle's on the AD carry, but it feels worth it to me in most games.)

Sona (My #2 pick. Of all the supports, her ultimate is one of the best teamfight ults, move speed is always OP, and she can heal and harass in lane phase. Very good champion.)

Taric (Good at setting up kills and auras for defense are very good. Can heal in lane phase. Taric + Aegis = good times.)

Soraka (The best baby sitter. Not the best at most other things. She is easy to play at a glance but playing her masterfully requires excellent understanding of how to use silences, and how to use Armor buffs. Soraka is now about PREVENTION, not recuperation.)

Alistar (Good at setting up kills early. Can heal. Great peel in team fights. Good defensive ult.)


Cho Gath (My favorite jungler right now. He is so strong in the jungle, it's gross. Very very solid clear times, and very strong ganks if the player is good at Cho. Cho has options with builds that enable him to be strong throughout the game without heavy gear. This makes him an excellent choice. Ult is great for securing Dragon's and Baron's.)

Udyr (I'm not a great Udyr, but wow Phoenix Udyr jungles fast. The speed alone is enough to mark him as a good jungler. Another important factor is Udyr's relative gear independence. It allows

Trundle (Gear independent and functions well in fights. Tank breaker. Great Dragon and Baron control.)

(Supposedly Shyvana has a great clear speed and is comparable to Udyr. If that's true, she is also a great pick for the jungle.)

For now that's it really. You might think that's not very many champions, but you don't need a massive variety of champions to make a good team comp.

You need solid picks.

For now I'm just putting my picks out there, over time I will update and explain why I pick them in more detail.