I am not so long here on MobaFire.com, but I am over few months in the game and I am wondering what was the difference in my last 1 on 1 line up.

I bring 2 Ways into the comparison, but still I am not gettin' behind the "joke" why I got the mid game for me.

(sorry to say, I am not good in the BBCodes and before I do something worst, I rather use it not. And I read the nice -Create a Good Guide-, but still I don't gettin' it)

2 Ezreals.

1 Standart Rune Use.
(Flat Armor, Flat MR, High ArPen ~25)

My Build:
1 Custom Build Use
20 AD Flat - 3,3 AS Runes


Trinity Force
Last Whisper
Infinity Edge
Zerk Boots
Black Cleaver
(Upbuilding the whole game to this)


Upbuilding through the game Frozen Mallet
At First Wriggles Lantern then 2 Blood Thirster
Upbuilding through the game Manamune
Changed the Build from:

Zerk Boots > Thornmail > Tiamat
to the Endbuild with:
Madreds Razors
(Full Build: 2 BT, 1 FM, Manamune, MR, BC)

The endresult was a sure win for me, but still I am wondering, why I won a 20 min defending siege (in Midgame) and turned it to my favor...

What you think Community?

(PS: when u need more Infos, like Masteries, Gameinfo and so, I will post it ASAP)