So Veteran's Day's today here in the U.S . Thank you for all the veterans who risked their lives to protect our country ! Anyways today I was practically on the comp the whole day = bad .___. . Anyways I played sooo much these past two days I'm thinking of taking Saturday as a break. Sigh.
Progress ;
- Level 11 & 1/2 Achieved ( Oh flash why are you so close but so far. ;[ )
- 2,150 IP + Farmed
- Still played with my friend the AP Sion
Sad part about I played like 15+ games and lost like 13/15 of them. I'm not lying :/ Sigh. I should really start taking advice . I do feed a BIT. I'm still learning Akali's " squishyness" but like I said I'm paired up with complete idiots that are so decisive on whether or not to take my advice. Oh well. Can't wait to make some friends that can actually PLAY. Well can anyone add me too? IGN; Elusive Shadows if you guys didn't know. Just send me a message and maybe we can get a game or you can teach me.
So I'm kind of getting tired of siting down on the comp but I'm going to write about what troubles I am having at the moment with playing.
1. I'm always tempted to proc Akali's Q.
2. I think I'm over-agressive
3. It's true but E's on CD while my W's not used.
4. Zoning is hard when trying to hit Q.
5. Getting face-rolled when you go tower-dive a champ w/o help.