
First Day of tracking my progress in Season 3. Doing this primarily for myself to try to identify weaknesses in my gameplay, but to anyone also reading, I plan on going semi in-depth into every game I play from here on out. Usually don't have LolReplay up due to latency, but if I do I will use that as a tool.

Currently Gold V 66 LP

190/164 In SoloQ. Highest Elo was 1403, was around 1330 when new system kicked in, and had ~125 wins. Placed in Silver II, quickly got promotion, lost, got promotion again, dodged a game, got promotion again, and earned Silver I. Stayed under 50 pts for awhile, picked up J4 as a jungle, and quickly rose. Got to 90+ and started gaining less than 5 pts per win. Eventually got to my 5 game tier promotion. Started 2-0, then lost two in a row. Game 5 their top got super fed (I was supporting) but bot lane too stronk. Made Gold IV but went 1-4 and got demoted back to V.

Game 1: Jungle Jarvan IV (Purple Side)

Typical *****ing in team lobby, last pick really wanted to top, couldn't get so begged mid. I was third pick, took J4-go to jungler S3. Bot gave up double kill fb to Varus, toxic support all game. Took awhile to get off decent ganks, picked off low hp Darius recalling. Hard to gank for a Nid ever (low burst) and a pre-6 Kass. Lots of kill for kill in this game. Bot lane kept dying before I could help, started 0/11. I went top to gank Darius, Nidalee got the kill, Kass went bot and picked up a triple. Kass got fed. Enemy team sieged bot turret, hyper aggressive Kass goes in I follow. 4-0 exchange. They push mid, have a bad disengage, we follow 4-0 exhange and we Baron. Nid lands a spear on Varus, giving us first two mid turrets. Kass pings me in, dive under inhib turret, pick up more kills, push to win.
Overcame a feeding bot lane (Quinn bad champ imo). Grouped well and didn't lose a teamfight. Go 0 dragons, thats a problem, but bot lane was being pressured too hard to contest them pre-20 mins. Nid spears op. Took Bulwark, going to start getting it every game on tanky junglers.
Only death was mid to Darius, Nid was coming to gank and I went in way to early, entirely my fault.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 66->83 3/1/15 Jarvan IV Jungle 191/164

Game 2: Ezreal (Blue Side)

Last pick, they took their roles leaving me with ADC. Of course Vayne gets taken so I take Ezreal. Less than 5 games on him :(
Leona sits in back bush not even getting xp, very conservative lane all I wanna do is farm. Realize Vayne stronger late game but not super confident in my Ezreal play. Mundo camps top, but Jayce always kills one before dying, not sure how. Nidalee roams bot, but always is a 1-1 or 2-2. Most cs all game, but our team has no dps in teamfights with Mundo, Singed, Nidalee, and Leona. Leona goes 0/11, Lux gets fed, Jayce already fed. They took inhib, we counter with Baron, initially push, but have to defend other lanes. Enemy ahead all game. Nidalee gets picked off, they Baron, push and win.
More worried about getting away from Jayce, J4, Lux than anything this game, could have done better in fights but not used to Ezreal. Decent game they just had more damage.

End Result: Defeat -16 LP 83->67 3/3/13 Ezreal 191/165

Game 3: Taric (Blue Side)

Enemy team had an adc Talon, didn't work out for em. Not alot to say, all lanes dominated, although my adc Cait had bad cs'ing skills. 20 min surrender.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 67->84 1/1/6 Taric 192/165

Game 4: Taric (Purple Side)

Dominated laning phase, had Ezreal zoned from level 2. Miss Fortune left 4+ kills in lane couldn't finish/bad focus. Turning point for bot lane, adc and support were low, Ali came to help, didn't see Lux also come from river and we both died. I respawed, went to ward and they were waiting for us, died again. Should have had better ward coverage bot maybe could have carried, but I doubt it. Top Vlad roamed bot, enemy Lux got a Triple in our jungler. Game over from there other two lanes/jungle lost hard. 25 minute surrender.

End Result: Defeat -20 LP 84->64 0/5/6 Taric 192/166

Game 5: Wukong Mid (Purple Side)

Was initially going top, but enemy team picked Yorick and we had a friendly Cho so we swapped lanes. Was semi-aggressive on Diana, farmed for first ~12 minutes, ended with most cs by quite a bit. Great teamfights, skirmishes, pretty much kept catching them out. All the credit goes to Hecarim for great jungling, bot lane owned as well. Made good use out of all my teleports this game. Ahead all game easy victory.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 64->81 11/3/10