Game 31: Zed Top (Purple Side)

First SoloQ game in quite a while. Jungle got called so I filled into top. I don't really like to first pick Wukong, and I feel like Zed is a stronger pick anyways, and much safer, better farmer, and really fits my playstyle of assassin top laners who can get in a out of fights quickly. Started Red Elixer/Ward/HP Pots vs Gangplank, and he started the same. He went instant aggro on me, and I kited him back to my tower. We both drank our pots, which saved both of our lives. He was really harassing me, forcing me to farm from distance, and back earlier than I wanted too. We fought again at 6, and killed each other. Akali took the top turret, I rotated Mid, killed Lux, and Akali killed Gangplank. Enemy Draven started to intentionally feed, and we won the game. Pretty decent game, just need to continue to work on my mechanics.

End Result: Victory +16 LP 53->69 9/3/4 208/177

Game 32: Jarvan IV Jungle (Purple Side)

Man I controlled this game extremely well. Ganked top at level two for friendly Darius (Duo) and killed Wukong for FB. Came back top to hold at level 5, got Wukong down to around 200 HP, Darius got back and we took tower. Kept pressure on top until Darius wanted to back, then he came to Dragon and we took it, then took bot tower. Switched to mid and took that as well. Rest of team derped at enemy blue and three of them got killed for no reason, but Darius and I took second top turret and inhibitor turret. Had an uncoordinated fight at Dragon where it seemed like my team didn't really know what to do, and had dual focus on enemy and Baron. 3-1 exchange, but Darius had homeguard and kept them from taking it. I got there and we killed three of them and took Baron. Enemy camped in our Jungle and killed Draven, but Darius and Taric took their inhibitor. The allowed us the rest of outer turrets and eventually a push to win.
This was a great game, I felt super confident and made all the right calls, my team was just slow to fight with me at Baron and kept focusing Nashor instead. Really really happy with this game, reacted to what they were doing and punished them for every misposition that they had.

End Result: Victory +16 LP 69->85 3/1/9 209/177