Game 38: Taric Support

Don't really remember this game :o

End Result: Victory +17 LP 75->88 212/180

Game 39: Zed Top

Good game for me, started out 2-0 in two really close fights. Most CS in game, came to teamfights stage I could take out the ADC and we won game pretty easy.

End Result: Victory Qualified for Gold III Promotional Series 213/180

Game 40: Jarvan IV Jungle

Really good teamfights, it was an even game, but we had better fights so gg no re.

End Result: Victory 1/0 in Gold III Promotional Series 214/180

Game 41: Jarvan IV Jungle

Top lane got absolutely crushed Vlad vs. Warwick. Bot lane didn't do well either, so everyone turned on me for being a bad jungler. Oh well I probably could have played better, but Vlad was useless, and a useless Vlad is gg.

End Result: Defeat 1/1 in Gold III Promotional Series 214/181

Game 42: Jarvan IV Jungle

Great game, not very close, closed out my promo's and on to Gold III!!!

End Result: Victory 2/1 in Gold III Promotional Series 215/181

Game 43: Jarvan IV Jungle

Another pretty close game, our mid Kha'Zix was crazy, and I followed him in on a turret dive for my only death of the game. Caught Lee Sin at wraiths, leading to an Ace, Inhib and Baron. Pushed from there and took home the win.

End Result: Victory +24 LP 0->24 2/1/13 216/181

Game 44: Shyvana Jungle

Jarvan IV got banned because we had to go through two champ selects, so they knew I was playing Jarvan IV and so banned him >.< Took Shyvana, and we fed a double kill bot on my counter gank, played horribly by me. Died again on a four man dive bot, and they just pressured bot all game, I was pretty useless. Bad game, need to not die in the beginning and fall behind.

End Result: Defeat -14 LP 24->10 4/4/3 216/182