So basically had like 8 ****ty games out of 9 and got back to Gold IV. Most games were me playing badly, but had some pretty awful teams as well. I got on tilt and started to rage alot at my teammates, which didn't make me feel good, but I still tried to be constructive, although to be fair I usually wasn't.

Lost with Leona, Zed, J4, cant really remember those games

Game 48: Leona Support

Awful Mid LB, not a great top or jungle. We did ok bot, but the game was lost.

End Result: Defeat Demoted to Gold IV 3/6/7

Game 49: Leona Support

Top Teemo feeds then afk farms the rest of the game. We actually put up a decent fight but mostly its just feeding.

End Result: Defeat -14 LP 75->61 0/10/8

Game 50: Leona Support

We invade, force Karma's flash, kill her for FB. Then enemy Volibear comes to gank, I ping Nautilus, who is at our red, to come help, for an easy triple kill for our MF, instead, he decides to not come, then comes late, and we all die. Game becomes way more difficult, but we defend turrets, and eventually can peel hard enough for MF and Akali, and we start winning fights, eventually taking the game. I went from 0/6/7 to my final score.

End Result: Victory +15 LP 61->76 1/8/22

Game 51: Jarvan IV Jungle

Mid Ahri absolutely crushed, super easy win.

End Result: Victory +15 LP 76->91 6/2/10

Game 52: Jarvan IV Jungle

Kill fest of a game, non-stop fighting, but our fights were usually in favorable numbers, and easily won the game.

End Result: Victory Qualified for Gold III Promotional Series 4/3/11

Game 53: Leona Support

Draven tells me to play aggressive, us two invade their tri-bush, I flash stun Tristana, she flashes into turret, Draven flashes and kills her. We push all lane phase, die to a couple Shen teleport/Stand United ganks, but other lanes push and we focus towers. Push really hard all game and keep fighting since we are ahead.

End Result: Victory 1/0 in Gold III Promotional Series 0/3/7

Game 54: Jarvan IV Jungle

Gank top, burn all of Jax's summoner's. Renekton picks up FB, I come top again and take the turret. I put pressure on the map, get towers/dragons instead of kills. Pretty much a stomp.

End Result: Victory 2/0 in Gold III Promotional Series 2/0/0

Game 55: Jarvan IV Jungle

Every lane just get stomped.

End Result: Defeat 1/4/5

Game 56: Jarvan IV Jungle

Every lane gets wrecked again.

End Result: Defeat 1/2/2