Game 10: Jarvan IV Jungle (Blue Side)

Bad game from every lane. Started well (3/1/4) but bot gave up two early double kills. I came to gank, would have killed both, but their jungle/mid were there 3/0 exchange. GG from there on not enough damage output from Pantheon and Annie couldn't one shot carries.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 80->62 4/5/6 195/169

Game 11: Vi Jungle (Purple Side)

Another bad game from me on Vi, guess I'm going to have to try different builds on her in normals before bringing her to ranked. Couldn't get good ganks, felt too squishy again, made some decent plays at beginning but all lanes got smoked. Oh well another learning experience back to normals with Vi.

End Result: Defeat -19 LP 62->43 3/7/7 195/170

Game 12: Jarvan IV Jungle (Purple Side)

Got my mojo back with this game, big confidence booster. Decent team but our mid Lux was kind of a derp. We were taking dragon, she decides to go bot and farm and we lose it. Another baron fight idk what she was doing while we were fighting, but she had full hp at the end of a 1-3 fight. ADC Caitlyn was super fed from my ganks, just peeled for her and started to win fights. Garen was a monster, but Last Whisper for Cait solved that problem. Riven was dealing damage but super squishy, usually died in the fights diving their ADC alone because I was peeling for Cait. Was a good game, should have been way easier, but it worked out. 13/1/7 Cait GG. They had an AP Yi who did well but AP Yi easy to counter if team plays it right. Eventually got map pressure and started to catch people out.

End Result: Victory +20 LP 43->63 6/2/20 196/170

Game 13: Jarvan IV Jungle (Purple Side)

Another beast of a game-didn't die. Same AP Yi on other team who stole mid from Ahri who started with Dorans and was pseudo-support. Means that I'm going to gank bot over and over. Probably around 10 times in lane phase. Yi got kinda fed cleaning up fights, but any Yi will do that. Vayne was getting fed so I wasn't too worried. Friendly Fiddlesticks mid, and I don't know when he got fed, but all the sudden was just melting. We had just won a team fight, four of us backing off, Fiddle and I stop in wraith bush and I see him start to channel. I E->Q in right as he ults, and just melt two more. Fid J4 is an insane combo, health bars would just melt. Shen didn't do well at beginning, just left him on an island against Darius because bot was easy kills. Didn't really know how to play Shen, never split pushed. Oh well not a terribly difficult game.

Last two wins we waited a super long time to start pushing. I probably need to be more assertive about taking towers after kills, but in a choice between dragon and tower, I usually pick dragon. Got every dragon this game. Havn't been ganking top much recently, just trying to play with the flow of the game, and it has been towards bot/dragon last two games. Worked out in the end. Got Locket last two games, gonna start getting that every game, or else Bulwark, depending what support wants to do.

End Result: Victory +19 LP 63->82 2/0/27 197/171