Game 26: Jarvan IV Jungle

Maybe worst game for me on Jarvan IV. Can't seem to play well in Gold IV :( They had a Mid Swain, I tried to gank because our Mid Master Yi was crying for help. So I gank and he just destroys me. Gank him again, die again. Got super far behind, and was entirely useless. Pretty sure I got reported even though I took all the blame/flaming and even apologized to my team. Such is the community. Learning experience, I shouldn't have ganked in the first place, can't kill a Swain.

End Result: Defeat -0 LP 0->0 1/8/6 204/176

Game 27: Taric Support (Purple Side)

Top Cho'Gath starts 0/5, so switches with Mid and feeds Mid too. They push us super hard, take inhib before 20 mins. We fight back for about 20 minutes but have one bad fight where carries just get evaporated by Zed and Master Yi and we lose. Good effort and props for coming back through 5+ inhibitors aided by a really nice Baron steal by a Nidalee Spear. Will probably get demoted if I lose my next game :/

End Result: Defeat -0 LP 0->0 204/177